Intersections are very dangerous places. The location where two roads cross each other may see a lot of traffic. Each person passing through an intersection is at risk. Many pedestrians and cyclists get hurt at intersections.
Multiple people moving in different directions are a source of concern. All it takes is a small mistake for a crash to occur. Traffic laws require that people slow down or stop at intersections. Signs and lights indicate what drivers should do. Despite those clear rules, intersections are where a large percentage of crashes occur every year. Drivers too often make small mistakes that result in major consequences.
What factors make intersections so dangerous?
Not looking around carefully
Constants observation is part of safe driving. At an intersection, someone could face traffic coming from three or more other directions. Even if someone does not have to stop at an intersection, they may need to slow significantly. A large percentage of intersection collisions occur due to a failure to monitor surroundings. People rush into the intersection and strike a vehicle or person they should have spotted. Drivers who fail to stop may not notice hazards in time. Those too comfortable with their surroundings could also make dangerous mistakes.
Visibility issues
Some intersections have visibility issues. Buildings very close to the edge of the road, parked vehicles and vegetation can all impact visibility. A small but noticeable percentage of intersection crashes involve obstructed views. Other items essentially prevent drivers from noticing hazards.
Failure to communicate with others
Modern vehicles have special communication systems built in by manufacturers. Turn signals and brake lights exist so that others know what someone intends to do in traffic. The failure to maintain a vehicle could lead to a preventable crash. So can the habit of not using turn signals consistently. Drivers can make the wrong assumption about what another motorist intends to do. That can also potentially lead to a crash.
Those approaching an intersection should do so with care. Watching carefully can potentially prevent a motor vehicle collision. If another driver isn’t as cautious, they may be at fault for any wreck that results. Those hurt in crashes may need to seek compensation from at-fault parties through insurance or a personal injury lawsuit accordingly.