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Attorneys Seeking Justice For Burn Injury Victims And Their Families

Last updated on November 2, 2023

Burn injuries can be horrific, devastating and even fatal. At Hall & Collins Injury Law, our attorneys know that burn victims have both physical and emotional wounds to heal. We have helped many clients with burn injuries, from infants to adults, and we understand the trauma caused by a burn injury.

If you have suffered a burn injury, we want to hear your story. Our attorneys want to learn all of the details about your injuries so they can help you make a financial recovery for all of your injuries. You can trust our Georgia burn injury lawyers to provide you with the effective legal services you deserve.

How Burns Affect The Body

To fully understand the severity and consequences of a severe burn, one must understand the makeup of the human skin. Our skin is the largest organ in our body, with a total area of about 20 square feet. Our skin protects us from bacteria, microbes and the weather. It also regulates our internal body temperature and provides the feelings of touch, heat and cold.

The skin has three basic layers:

  • The epidermis – The outermost layer of the skin. This is the area of skin that creates our skin color.
  • The dermis – The second layer of skin. Our connective tissue, hair follicles and sweat glands are located in the dermis.
  • The hypodermis – This is the third layer of skin made of fat and connective tissue.

Burn injuries are classified as third-, second- or first-degree burns, depending on the depth of the burn.

First-degree burns: These only burn on the top layer of skin, usually leaving redness, mild swelling and some peeling as it heals. A sunburn is technically a first-degree burn, usually of a mild nature.

Second-degree burns: These go through the first layer of skin and into the second layer, usually causing “water blisters.” Many times, the burn will “weep” fluid, and the water blisters may burst open. These burns usually require medical treatment and, sometimes, skin grafting.

Third-degree burns: These are the most severe, destroying the top two layers of skin and damaging the third layer or even deeper tissues of the body. They tend to look waxy and white and can also appear charred or dark brown.

Never attempt to self-treat a third-degree burn. Get medical attention immediately. If possible, raise the burned area above the level of your heart. Third-degree burns leave the body at a greater risk for infection, hypothermia and even death. You must seek medical help immediately.

Understanding The Long-Term Effects Of Burn Injuries

The long-term consequences of a third-degree burn are significant. Skin grafts are usually required in order to replace the body’s natural skin barrier. Fortunately, in Georgia, we have the top burn facility in the world located in Augusta – the Joseph M. Still Burn Center. Most serious burn patients are airlifted directly to the Burn Center in Augusta.

A third-degree burn can cause:

  • Change or loss of vision
  • Kidney failure
  • Other organ malfunctions/failure
  • Significant scarring, including keloid scarring that can grow over time
  • Follow-up surgeries to alleviate scarring and tightness of the skin
  • Binding of the movements of the arms and legs due to tightening of the skin
  • Increased risk of future skin cancer
  • Low tolerance for sun exposure requiring significant precautions
  • Dehydration
  • Depression

Our burn injury lawyers have successfully handled burn cases arising from scalding water, exploding fuels, defective bottle warmers, cooking/kitchen spills and a variety of other causes.

Here When You Need Trusted Representation

Hall & Collins Injury Law has significant experience handling severe burn cases. Based on our prior experience working with skilled doctors who treat burn injuries, we understand that a significant third-degree burn may cause a wide variety of health problems. Once the initial burn treatment is complete, our clients still face many future issues resulting from a severe burn injury. We are devoted to helping any burn victim recover from all past and future losses.

For a free, no-obligation meeting with an experienced burn injury lawyer, contact Hall & Collins Injury Law today. You can reach out online or call 706-940-7889.